Ludum Dare Trial

Ludum Dare 28 (Game Jam): Behind the Scenes & Post Mortem

Ludum Dare is a competition where developers create a game over one weekend based on the given theme. This was our first time participating and had no idea what to expect. We weren’t prepared for the brutal amount of work that would ensue within such a limited time frame…

The theme for Ludum Dare 28 was “You Only Get One”, which was disappointing because it’s so broad and generic. Almost every game has some element of “only getting one”. Such as you only get one life, or one weapon, or one power up, one way out, etc. It was actually harder for us to focus and come up with ideas when there were endless possibilities. On top of that, we were experimenting with a different brainstorming and creative process.

The Creative Process

Instead of referencing genres or listing ideas we thought were “cool”, we focused on identifying the emotions the player would feel and the overall experience. From a long list of emotions we ended up with despair and hope. Not very original was it? That’s why we decided to add in “politeness”, even though we questioned if it was really an emotion. Politeness was unusual, but we wanted to try something different. Also, we were recently inspired by a cafe that listed lower prices for polite customers.

At this stage we were tossing out ideas and game elements that could help us evoke these emotions: dialog, puzzle, time pressure, color and the absence of, etc. We had no clue at this point on how it would connect with the theme. The first night was tough because we had spent hours brainstorming but couldn’t visualize anything worthwhile, unique, or even playable.

The Concept

We started focusing on colors and eventually sketched a rough grid with each cell assigned a color. The player would start at one end of the grid and need to reach the opposite end to win. For spice and despair, the grid would be littered with danger spots (i.e. mines) that kill the player instantly. To stay with the theme, the player could only see tiles/cells of one selected color at any given time. There would also be special cells where the player would have a dialog and choose to reveal a different color. If the player selected “polite” dialog options, they would have a more favorable outcome.

Ludum Dare Basic Concept, Sketch and Colored

Rough sketch of grid concept.

After we agreed to move forward with this concept, we came up with a prototype using spreadsheets. By flipping between sheets we could see how the grid would look like with different colors hidden. We spent the next few hours specifying how the grid would be created: grid size, number of dialog nodes, danger spots, etc. We also wanted it to be randomly generated for replay-ability.

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Mobile graphics to surpass PS3 in 2014

Nvidia’s Project Logan is a mobile GPU that is 1.6 times more powerful than a Playstation 3. Furthermore, it uses one-third the power of iPad 4’s GPU while performing the same rendering. Nvidia states that the GPU will be shipping in mobile devices during the first half of next year. Gasp!

Now it’s up to developers to find a way to push the boundaries by using the latest graphics technology meanwhile supporting older devices. Surely compromises will need to be made. However, if the game is architected mindfully and the project scheduled just right, developers can hit a sweet spot.

Watch this video showcasing the technology:

Read more at GamesIndustry International

Extra Credits: thought-provoking videogame industry videos

If you haven’t seen any videos from “Extra Credits“, then prepare to be enlightened. The webseries, created by a small talented group, presents intellectual discussions on topics such as aesthetics, publishing, community, careers, writing, and much more.

Take a look at this video about two fundamental game design principles:

You can watch the rest of their videos on their YouTube channel.

Lean, mean, startup infrastructure

Are you pumped and ready to build the next hot mobile game or app? Great, all the power to you. However, if you have two or more members on the team, then you are going to need some structure to run efficiently. This is especially true if some members are far apart or work during different times of the day.

When we started working on our game, Sketch Guess, our first and only “tool” was email. It worked great at the beginning, but it quickly became cumbersome when our discussions moved to more complex matters and we started producing assets. As the project progressed, we incorporated fast, cheap, and reliable services to keep us rolling smoothly. We are happy to share what worked for us. Every project is different and each team has different needs, so look at this more as inspiration.

Basecamp, Dropbox, Zendesk, Google Drive

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iOS 6, Adobe Air (3.4 upgrade) and drawWithQuality

iOS 6 + Adobe Air

The all new shiny and powerful iOS 6 arrived recently, allowing developers to add even more cool features to their applications. But what does it mean for those who develop iOS apps using Adobe AIR?

Well, we found out it the hard way. Our app that was built using Adobe 3.1 SDK just stopped working for those users who upgraded their devices. Unfortunately there is no way to limit the app distribution to older iOS versions (4 and 5) so we had to scramble to see what can be done.

Good thing that the new Adobe AIR 3.4 SDK recently arrived and it does support iOS6. They also added a number of awesome features and finally bundled AIR SDK with Flex SDK, so you don’t have to download them from separate sources and do all the manual work to merge. That bundled version can be downloaded here.

The upgrade is pretty simple. You need to reference the new SDK in project dependencies, update you app descriptor.xml with this line (replacing the old one):


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The only free and fully functional Android GCM native extension for Adobe AIR


This tutorial is about native extension for Adobe AIR and GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) which is a free service provided by Google that allows messages to be pushed to devices of your app users. If anyone is interested in more information on how to create an Android app capable of reception of GCM messages please check out this article on Google dev portal: GCM Tutorial.

In the course of development of  a new social drawing app “Sketch Guess”, we wanted to add an ability for the server to notify players when important events occur in the game and display the appropriate view when the application resumes or restarts (the “fetch message payload after app just launched” capability is only implemented in our own solution so far). While there is an abundance of Adobe AIR native extensions for iOS, there was definitely a gap to be filled for Android applications.

The only way to proceed was to create our own extension which I’m going to provide here for download along with a fully functional example application and a set of instructions below.

The extension is made for Adobe SDK 4.6 + AIR SDK 3.1 . Although, I’m sure it’ll work with 4.5 and 3.0 or newer versions. My weapon of choice in developing Air things is Intellij 10 or 11, so I won’t be providing exact procedures to link to “.ane” when you setup the project since that varies from environment to environment.

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